A few thoughts on late bloomers (or adult beginners)

A few thoughts on late bloomers (or adult beginners)

I won’t lie. I get jealous when I see spectacularly beautiful dancers and you just know they’ve been training since they were 0.001 years old. Whyyy oh why didn’t my mum encourage me to stay in dance classes? What if what if what if. You know, that old train of thought.

And I was thinking, I might actually be kind of glad that I’m beginning at this age?? See, as an (obligatory: young) adult beginner, I can really immerse myself in the learning process through reading and watching documentaries and movies and reading other peoples experiences right here on WordPress. Isn’t that kinda rad? And we know our bodies so much better than we did when we were four.

Like, we’re doing what kids do but we get the cool added bonus of being able to think about ballet in a way that four year olds just aren’t able to (as far as I’m aware). Intelligently, artistically, analytically, and on this deeper personal level.

Yeah, we’ll never get to learn ballet in a completely spongey (kids are sponges right) pure way, but they’ll never get to learn ballet in the adventurous/passionate/personal way that we get to learn it, ya know? You have to have a good amount of dedication, determination, and desire to learn ballet as an adult. A four year old only needs her mum to take her to classes.

I don’t mean to make people who have learnt since they were kids feel bad or anything. I’m just trying and failing to put my thoughts into words!

PS: Yo that’s half my face.
